Dear Friend,


I was recently appointed the new Chair of Dignity in Dying. Some don’t expect a minister of religion to hold this position but I support Dignity In Dying because of my beliefs, not in spite of them.

As a Rabbi, I have seen many people in great pain and suffering at the end of their lives. At first, I accepted it. And then there came a tipping point where I thought: this cannot be right.

Friend, will you join Dignity in Dying as a member today and support the campaign to stop 17 people a day suffering as they die?

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You may be surprised to learn that 79% of religious people support assisted dying. The problem is that many in the religious hierarchy refuse to acknowledge the widespread support in their communities.

Religious attitudes that deny people choice force people to suffer and are completely out of step with 21st century Britain. There is no sanctity in suffering, nor anything holy about agony. Religious priorities should be about compassion and care, and I challenge those who are putting their archaic idea of God above the needs of dying people.

Our country is closer than ever to achieving true choice at the end of life, something that the British public, from all walks of life, are crying out for.

But we can’t take on anti-choice campaigners without you, <first name>. Will you join our campaign for compassion and choice at the end of life?

Yes, I'll join as a member >>


I would like to pay tribute to my predecessor, Baroness Molly Meacher. She has been an integral part of the campaign for many years and will be remaining at Dignity in Dying as our Honorary President. I also look forward to working alongside Chris Creegan, a leader in the third and public sectors in Scotland, who was elected as Vice Chair.

Most importantly I look forward to campaigning alongside you, and all supporters of a more compassionate law, as we build an unstoppable movement. Together, we will change the law.


Thank you,

Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain

Chair, Dignity in Dying

P.S: P.S. You can read my full statement along with a message from Baroness Meacher and Chris Creegan in our press release on Dignity in Dying’s board changes

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