After cops shot and killed 17-year-old Nahel Merzouk in the Paris working-class suburb of Nanterre June 27, five nights of angry protests throughout France ensued. These protests targeted cars, buses, public transportation, city halls, cop stations, stores and schools, burning some of the targets Nahel – as everyone calls him . . .
Continue reading Macron’s response to deadly racism: Repress anti-racist protests at
This photo shows a glowing “Free Assange” sign outside a downtown Denver concert July 4 at the capitol. The people watching from the capitol’s hillside had a great view of this sign and the banner drop over the highway as they arrived. Actions took place around the world the week . . .
Continue reading Denver joins worldwide protests to free Julian Assange at
Atlanta Tenants and housing activists packed the Neighborhood Church in East Atlanta July 8 for a People’s Town Hall to launch a statewide effort to overturn a Georgia law that forbids any rent control measures from being enacted in any jurisdiction. Credit: Housing Justice League, Facebook People traveled from around . . .
Continue reading Atlanta/People’s Town Hall demands: ‘Rent control NOW!’ at
Estas palabras están inscritas sobre la entrada principal del edificio del Tribunal Supremo. Son un engaño y una mentira. Tres decisiones de los días 29 y 30 de junio deberían haber hecho añicos cualquier ilusión persistente de que el Tribunal Supremo de Estados Unidos existe para defender la justicia o . . .
Continue reading Tras el asalto del alto tribunal a los derechos civiles at