Jon’s not like most politicians, folks. And it’s not hard to see why.

Jon was a music teacher turned Senator, who decided to run for office because he didn’t see anyone sticking up for everyday folks like him.

He still gets his signature $12 flattop haircut from his barber back home.

He brings his own Montana beef to the U.S. Senate because there’s just nothing quite like it.

And Jon only has seven fingers after losing three of them in a meat grinder accident on his grandfather’s farm (land which he still farms today).

But probably the biggest difference between Jon and other Washington politicians is that he doesn’t think big donors, corporations, or special interests should get to control our politics.

That’s why we do things a little differently around here. We rely on grassroots donations from folks like you to power everything we do. So, how about it, folks? Can Jon count on you to pitch in whatever you can to help us reach our mid-quarter goal by midnight?

Donate now

Every dollar you give sends a powerful message to Washington that you want our government to work for everyday folks not the big donors writing campaign checks.

Thanks a lot,

Team Tester