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Friday, July 14th, 2023


A Tale of Two Cities

Alastair Crooke

Dismantle NATO, or at Least Get Out

Jacob G. Hornberger

Climate Change Crime – Depopulation in the Name of Human Rights

Peter Koenig

Zelensky Mortgaged Ukraine’s Sovereignty to the Western Ruling Class

Jordan Schachtel

John Strand — American Patriot

Allan Stevo

Three Important News Items Most of the Media ‘Forgot’ To Tell You About

Chuck Baldwin

The Bell Tolls for Fiat

Alasdair Macleod

Emergency Powers Must Be Repudiated

James Anthony

Shut Down the Covid 19 Operation Now!

Emanuel Pastreich

The Mainstream Media Is Not Telling You the Truth About Inflation

Michael Snyder

Auto Insurers Hit by Worst Crisis in ’30 Years,’ Sends Premiums Skyrocketing

Tyler Durden

‘Infertility Virus’ to Sterilize Stray Cats

Igor Chudov

Political Theatre

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