What happened to checks and balances. Where is the Congressional vote? When did we mutate into this unhinged dictatorship? Operation Atlantic? The Atlantic is 10,000 miles away from Ukraine.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

MADMAN: Biden Orders US Military To Deploy in Europe
Biden orders selective US military reserve units to active duty for deployment to Europe.

What happened to checks and balances. Where is the Congressional vote? When did we mutate into this unhinged dictatorship?

A presidential action ...

“Bidens Do The Crime, But Not The Time”
The Biden family is an ongoing crime spree in which the word “consequences” does not exist.

DEROY MURDOCK: Bidens Do The Crime, But Not The Time

By: Deroy Murdock, Daily Caller, July 09, 2023:

The family that skates together stays ...

NY Health Commissioner Says She Blew Hospitalizations Way Out of Proportion to Mandate COVID Shots for Children
Pure evil.


FDA Admits That Childrens’ Hearts Are Damaged by Covid Vaccine
One in Every 500 Small Children Who Get Vaccine are Hospitalized By It, Study Finds
Europe Suffers 700% to 1600% Increase in Excess Deaths Among ...

California Democrats Shuts Down  Bill to Increase Penalty for Child Traffickers
Democrats are the party of pedophilia, child sex trafficking and slavery.

California Democrats Shuts Down  Bill to Increase Penalty for Child Traffickers California Democrats on Tuesday killed a bipartisan bill to strengthen punishments for ...

Democrat Media Axis Attacks Film Exposing Child Trafficking
Further proof the left supports pedophilia, child sex trafficking and slavery.

After seeing Sound of Freedom last night, I can’t help but wonder…

Why are so many left leaning news outlets working so hard to discredit a film meant to ...

DeSantis’ and the GOP’s Problem Isn’t Trump, It’s That Dems Rigged The Last Election
Without election reform, the game is over. It's not a critical issue, its the only issue.

DeSantis’ Problem Isn’t Trump, It’s That Dems Rigged The Last Election

How can GOP candidates admit that 2020 was rigged against Trump voters, ...

FBI Director Wray Confirms Joe Biden is Under Criminal Investigation for Ukrainian Bribes
Lest we forget, President Trump was impeached for making inquiries into Biden's Ukraine corruption.

FBI director: Biden is under criminal investigation due to Ukrainian bribes

The US Attorney in Delaware was conducting a criminal ...

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