From Devin Ulibarri, FSF <>
Subject Spring "Bulletin": From privacy-respecting browser extensions to natural disaster relief
Date July 14, 2023 2:02 AM
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Dear Free Software Supporter,

What do the right to repair movement, web browser privacy, and a
volunteer rescue response to an earthquake have in common? They are
all topics covered in our latest [*FSF Bulletin*][0], which is our
biannual newsletter about various aspects of free software. Free
software, although sometimes seemingly abstract, touches upon many
facets of daily life in a concrete way. The *Bulletin* is [now online][1],
so that you can read it on the web and share it over email and

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[1]: [link removed]

In this issue of the *Bulletin*, you'll learn about:

* Free software's role in the [right to repair movement][2];

* A [report from the FSF's tech team][3] on how this year's hybrid
LibrePlanet was broadcast live with free software;

* How [the free software tool OpenStreetMap (OSM)][4] helped rescue
efforts in the aftermath of Turkey's recent earthquake disaster;

* JShelter development and [how the privacy-oriented browser plugin
can help protect your privacy][5]; and

* [An overview of licensing talks][6] from this year's LibrePlanet:
Charting the Course.

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[3]: [link removed]
[4]: [link removed]
[5]: [link removed]
[6]: [link removed]

The printed version was already sent to free software supporters
around the globe. It is sent a few weeks prior to the publication of
the online version and can be a great way to spread free software
news, either by sharing your copy with a neighbor or by leaving it out
for visitors to read. If you received the printed *Bulletin* in the
mail, please let us know when it arrived and help to get the word out
by [sharing][15] a picture of your copy with the hashtag #fsfbulletin!
We love seeing how far these little pamphlets travel -- and free
software has a tangible impact in people's lives throughout the
world. In addition to sharing your copy of the *Bulletin*, you can
always encourage conversation about free software with some [fresh
swag from GNU Press][7].

[15]: [link removed]
[7]: [link removed]

*Note to those receiving the print* Bulletin *who would like to opt
out: To unsubscribe from receiving a copy of the printed* Bulletin*,
please complete the form at <[link removed]>.*

[The associate member program started in November of 2002][9] to
support the core work of the free software movement, independent from
major individual or corporate donors. The FSF wanted to be sustained
by the community we serve. As of today, membership dues make up most
of the FSF's operational costs. Without members we would not be able
to carry out the important work the FSF does for the free software
movement. The membership program keeps us working, and publications
such as the *Bulletin* help give voice to the stories of free software
supporters. Together with your help, we can strive towards a world
where computer user freedom is universal.

**Can you join this effort as an [FSF associate member][13]?** You can
start for as little as $10 per month ($5 for students), or $120 per
year. With your support we can get to the strength in numbers we need
to both continue our work *and* take on the challenging developments
where we need to take a stance. Plus, your membership will count
towards achieving our spring goal of 175 new associate members before
July 21. You'll be able to enjoy all the [member benefits][12], which
include merchandise discounts, a 16GB bootable membership card, and
use of our associate member videoconferencing server. When you join as
an annual associate member at $120 or more, you'll also be eligible
for this year's sustainable and stylish, genuine wood GNU head

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[13]: [link removed]
[12]: [link removed]

Yours in freedom,

Devin Ulibarri
Outreach & Communications Coordinator

* Follow us on Mastodon at <[link removed]>, GNU social at
<[link removed]>, PeerTube at <[link removed]>, and on Twitter at @fsf.
* Read about why we use Twitter, but only with caveats at <[link removed]>.
* Subscribe to our RSS feeds at <[link removed]>.
* Join us as an associate member at <[link removed]>.
* Read our Privacy Policy at <[link removed]>.

Sent from the Free Software Foundation,

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Boston, Massachusetts 02110-1335
United States

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