
Why Is American Christianity Struggling?

American Churches were once booming like many boom towns in our nation's history.

Unfortunately, the trend now for many American Churches is not the boom town experience but more like a ghost town...

Did you know that twelve churches per day in America close down? Church attendance is at an all time low. In 1972 around 92%of Americans identified as Christian, whereas in 2020 that number dropped to 64%.

Why is American Christianity struggling?

Last Sunday, at Sheridan.Church OKC & Tulsa, I addressed that question and how a church can BOOM.

We have seen the BOOM experince at Sheridan.Church in all categories: reach, influence, attendance & finances.

There are four primary reasons that Sheridan.Church has boomed and they are found in Acts 2:42.

This message will bless you and your local church!

Watch here:

Thank you,
Jackson Lahmeyer

Follow me on TruthSocial, GAB, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Telegram, GETTR & YouTube).


We Have Been LIED TO!

When it comes to the history of the United States of America, we have been intentionally not told the entire story.

Our Founding Father's are demonized in public school history classes and we are told by "leaders" like Barak Hussein Obama that America was not founded as a Christian Nation.

This last Sunday at Sheridan.Church in OKC & Tulsa, I spoke on a subject matter that I am passionate about. I recioeved a B.A. & M.A. from Oral Roberts University in Theological & Historical Studies (much of which covered the history of America).

In this message, I tell the TRUE story of America.

It will bless and encourage you.

Watch here:


The Gay & Trans Agenda

On Friday, two weeks ago, I announced I was taking our church where few churches would dare to go by addressing the Gay & Trans Agenda in America.

Last night in Tulsa something like we have never seen took place.

Instead of a tornado coming through which carves a path of destruction in a town or city, the entire Tulsa Metro was hit with destructive winds over 100mph and the vast majority of the city lost power.

It was as if the enemy did not want a certain message being broadcast out from Tulsa...

Fortunately, we had power at Sheridan.Church for both our 9 & 11am services even though the businesses around us did not. However, our internet service was unavailable and our services were not streamed live.

Thankfully the services were recorded since we had power and the message is now available to be seen across America.

Here is last week's message: The Gay & Trans Agenda In America

Watch here:


The Book Of Daniel

We just launched a NEW mid-week series at Sheridan.Church over the Book of Daniel.

We will go verse by verse through Daniel every Wednesday at 7pm CT at our Tulsa campus.

Watch here: Daniel Pt. 1 - The Key

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