Ground Game Texas


You may have heard — Texas Democrats are gearing up to take on Ted Cruz in 2024.

In fact, next year’s U.S. Senate race in Texas may be the only opportunity for Democrats to flip a Republican seat anywhere in the nation. 

Here at Ground Game, our focus is on how our local organizing campaigns can be part of a winning statewide strategy. That’s why we are investing in voter registration right now.

Ground Game has 15,000 priority targets for voter registration. Chip in today to change the electorate for 2024!

>>Register New Voters!<<

Our 15,000 voter registration targets include Texans who signed our progressive ballot petitions but are not registered at their current address. Chip in today to make sure these Texans are registered correctly and can vote out Ted Cruz next year!

There are no “off years” when it comes to changing Texas politics. Thank you for being with us in this fight.

Mike Siegel
Political Director
Ground Game Texas