Legislation to further protect the American people from Big Pharma’s relentless price gouging is moving in the U.S. Senate.

Public Citizen is one of 40 organizations that sent a letter this week urging Sen. Chuck Schumer — the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate — to include critical insulin reforms in this upcoming legislation.
Over the past year, we have made big strides on this issue, winning a cap on monthly insulin costs for Medicare beneficiaries and forcing major manufacturers to dramatically lower prices of commonly used insulins.

Even more progress is needed to expand access and ensure fair and affordable pricing for insulin.

To the U.S. Senate:

Upcoming drug-pricing legislation must ensure access to insulin for everyone regardless of insurance status AND include controls on Big Pharma’s price gouging and anti-competitive tactics over insulin.

Click now to add your name.

Thanks for taking action.

For progress,

- Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen
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