your Senators to vote NO on Elliot Abrams!
Dear John,
President Biden nominated Elliott Abrams to a key advisory
committee on diplomacy. Elliott Abrams knows absolutely nothing about
diplomacy as he has made a career of lying and making policy that led
to the death and suffering of innocent people from Guatemala to Iraq.
He embraces militarism, covers up for gross human rights abuses, and
has a history of supporting authoritarian
your Senators to vote NO on his appointment!
Let's go over Abrams' resume, shall we?
- In the 1980s, he defended the infamous Guatemalan General
Efraín Ríos Montt, whose violent crackdown on the indigenous Ixil
Mayan people of Guatemala was so brutal that it was classified as
genocide by the United Nations.
- He denied that the Salvadoran military was responsible for
the devastating El Mozote massacre where, in 1981, a U.S.-trained
battalion murdered more than 500 civilians, slitting the throats of
children along the way.
- He is vehemently anti-Palestinian and shamelessly supports
Israel. He repeatedly undercut any U.S. pressure on Israel to stop the
building of settlements.
- In 1991, Abrams pled guilty to withholding information from
Congress related to his involvement in the Iran-Contra scandal, the
secret and illegal scam in the 1980s to siphon profits from Iranian
weapons sales to support the right-wing Contra rebels trying to
overthrow the Sandinista government.
- Abrams was a key supporter of the disastrous invasion of
Iraq. In 1998, he submitted a letter to President Clinton encouraging
him to depose Saddam Hussein.
- Abrams championed the U.S. overthrow of Muammar
- Abrams’ opposition to the Iran Nuclear Deal is epitomized by
his attempts to encourage Israel to bomb Iran’s nuclear sites before
negotiations became too serious.
- In January 2019, Abrams was
appointed to be the U.S. Special Representative for Venezuela, and
used his position to support an attempted coup, quash diplomatic
talks, and increase brutal sanctions, even during the
So... would you hire him for a job that requires the
applicant to be diplomatic? We sure as hell wouldn't. The
Senate approving his appointment would be a disaster for peace and
the Senate to dump Elliot Abrams!
In Solidarity,
Danaka and
the entire CODEPINK team
P.S. The Biden Administration is trying to send cluster bombs,
which are illegal in over 100 countries, to Ukraine. Help
us stop the transfer of cluster bombs by writing to your members of