John –

We’ve been talking about abortion a lot in our emails this year.

We know it is critically important to women and their families that we protect this fundamental right, but I still get emails every now and then asking me, “What does this have to do with the Auditor’s office?”

Well let me tell you, we just saw a great example in Missouri.

There’s a measure there making its way to the ballot this fall that would reestablish the right to abortion in Missouri. Despite his opposition to abortion, the GOP auditor wrote an honest fiscal note saying the measure would cost the state around $50,000.

The GOP Attorney General disagreed, arguing that overturning the abortion ban would somehow cost the state of Missouri billions of dollars.

Thankfully the auditor valued his integrity more than the attorney general, and, after judicial intervention, he prevailed.

This is why every single office on the ballot matters. Most GOP elected officials will stop at nothing in their quest to make abortions illegal and unsafe.

And it’s why we must keep this issue at the top of voters’ minds next fall.

If you’re with me, take a minute to sign on today and let us know that you’ll do what it takes to make sure voters know that abortion is on the ballot next fall!

Thank you!





Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States