Early Match Access: Give now in honor of World Orca Day!
Friend, I want to take a moment to make sure you are one of the first people to get special early access to our upcoming World Orca Day match. As one of our most dedicated members, will you help us set the tone for tomorrow? Because whether you make a gift could also mean the difference between survival and utter extinction for Southern Resident orcas and a future of our planet.
Big Polluters make us believe that their destructive actions are normal and simply the cost of doing business. But there’s nothing normal about their planet-killing actions, which are also driving the last 75 Southern Resident orcas to EXTINCTION.
To make matters worse, 13 of these orcas were designated as particularly "vulnerable" last year due to their weakened physical conditions as their food is becoming increasingly scarce, and oil tanker noise and the risk of an impending oil spill increase the threats to their survival. Big Polluters are making it hard for these creatures to survive -- and hurting their entire ecosystem and the communities who live nearby -- but we have the power to stop them together. Friends of the Earth is part of the world's largest grassroots environmental network -- and the Earth has never needed a friend like you or us more. Your World Orca Day support will give us one of our best chances to fight back for endangered orcas and our planet.
That's why we need your help: to help combat these threats and protect our planet, a group of generous donors have agreed to match all World Orca Day gifts up to our $90,000 goal, but only until midnight tomorrow. We need you help to reach our goal -- and the last 75 Southern Resident orcas in the world desperately need your support. Because you've been such an essential supporter, we created a custom link you can use to make your impact TODAY and set us up for success early -- so hurry and give now! Here's your link:
This goal means so much to our organization, endangered orcas, and the planet -- and we know you recognize how high the stakes are. With only 75 Southern Resident orcas left in the world, oil tanker and cruise ship traffic increasing, and the ever-present threat of oil spills, we don't have time to lose.
The stakes for endangered orcas and our only Earth have never been higher, so we cannot get complacent -- and we know you won't let that happen. But we're counting on you to set the pace for the rest of our community.
Please, be part of the solution that helps us end this crisis and save our Earth! Your personalized World Orca Day link is right here -- make your membership gift now to make every dollar count:
Standing with you,
Marcie Keever
Oceans & vessels program director,
Friends of the Earth