![]() Dear Patriot, In just a few hours, Congress will vote on an amendment offered by Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA) repealing the 2002 Authorization of Force against Iraq. Passage of this amendment would not only force the president and Congress to finally put an end to the 17-year old Iraq war. . . It would also help stop the Deep State from blundering us into another no-win conflict with Iran. So please read my message below and then call your representative at 202-224-3121 and tell them to vote for the Lee Amendment to H.R. 550. You see, earlier this month, the U.S. Government came dangerously close to launching another undeclared war with Iran. While that crisis seems to have passed, the neocons, liberal interventionists, and the rest of the war party are still pushing for war with Iran. And they are claiming the president does not need to seek a congressional declaration of war because the 2002 Authorization of Force against Iraq somehow gives the president authority to start war with Iran. Even though the only tie between any planned war with Iran and the old war with Iraq is the war hawks want to use U.S. bases in Iraq as a launching pad forward with Iran. So please call your representative at 202-224-3121 and tell them to vote for the Lee Amendment repealing the 2002 Authorization of Force against Iraq. After thousands of Iraqi citizens took to the street last week demanding that American forces leave their country, this resolution should not be controversial. . . After all, we supposedly invaded Iraq to bring “democracy” to the country. So, if the people of Iraq don’t want us there, shouldn’t we just leave? Repealing the 2002 Authorization of Force against Iraq will give President Trump a chance to fulfill his campaign promise to end destructive unconstitutional regime change wars. And it will help stop President Trump’s successors from unilaterally launching a new war in Iran or elsewhere in the Middle East. Plain and simple, the United States Constitution gives the power to declare war to Congress and only Congress. It also doesn’t allow for open-ended engagements that ultimately do more harm than good to the United States and its citizens. The powerful forces that comprise the war party — the Deep State bureaucrats and Capitol Hill staffers, lobbyists for the military-industrial complex, the pro-war media, and many elected officials — are going all out to distort the issue with their usual pack of half-truths, outright lies, and smears. So, it’s important representatives hear from as many Americans as possible who understand this vote is about upholding the Constitution, not whether or not Americans “approve” of the regime in Iran or still believe the war party’s fairy tales about how “victory” in Iraq is right around the corner. We don’t have a lot of time before the House starts voting, so please call your representative at 202-224-3121. Tell them to vote for the Lee Amendment repealing the 2002 Authorization of Force against Iraq. Then please share this message with your family and friends so they can also let Congress know they expect them to do their job and make sure we don’t have any more unconstitutional endless wars. Ensuring that we do not go to war with Iran without a congressional declaration of war not only makes constitutional sense, it makes fiscal sense. America is already trillions of dollars in debt and facing a financial tsunami of unfunded obligations for entitlement and other federal programs. And the $788 billion “defense” budget is the second highest item in the federal budget behind Social Security. So how can we afford to waste trillions on another endless, no-win war? WE CAN’T. Instead, Congress should stop wasting billions trying to turn Iraq into a copy of the United States. So please call your representative today at 202-224-3121 and tell them to vote yes on the Lee Amendment to H.R. 550. And make sure you share the news about this vote far and wide on all your social media. In Liberty, Norm Singleton President |