


It’s been another record-breaking week for climate news.


The UN just declared the first week of July 2023 as the hottest week of global temperatures – seven straight days of the highest temperatures ever recorded – since they began keeping records. And the data suggests this trend is going to continue.


We’re not just talking about an unusually warm Summer or turning your AC up a little higher. This is deadly.


Last year’s Summer heatwave that struck Europe led to as many as 61,000 heat-related deaths. We know that higher ocean surface temperatures lead to more extreme storms, killing thousands, collapsing critical infrastructure, and turning people into climate refugees.


I’ve been a climate activist all my life, and here’s what I see: While the movement for climate action has never been stronger, the opposition from our government’s corporate-controlled duopoly has never been more entrenched.


We no longer have the time to entertain the neoliberal ideology of begging corporate powers to do the right thing. More than ever we need independent, UNBOUGHT, action-driven public servants in office.


If you share my belief that the climate crisis is the single most urgent issue of our time, I need your support today. Can you chip in $25, $50, $100 or more today to help me defeat a corporate Democrat funded by all the same industries responsible for creating this crisis?

Every one of our lawmakers should recognize that this is an emergency, and respond accordingly. I’m running for Congress with the Green Party because neither the Republicans nor the Democrats are equipped to do it.


Here’s the thing: No Republican has any shot of winning in the 2nd district. There are only two people who could possibly win this seat in November of 2024 – and it’s either going to be me, or Rick Larsen.


Washington’s Top Two primary system means that the top two candidates advance to the general election, regardless of party affiliation. Republicans simply do not have the numbers to win in the General.


But we do. In my last two races as a Democratic challenger to an entrenched Democratic incumbent, we came within 2.4% of winning the Primary each time. This year, with the resources of the Washington State Green Party on our side, I *know* we can win.


Next November we can either send a fossil-fuel-funded corporate Democrat back to Congress for his 24th year in Congress, or we can elect the first ever Green Party Congressional representative who will fight for real climate action as an independent voice.


I’m ready to make history. Are you?


In solidarity,




Jason Call is a former public school teacher and lifelong climate activist running for Congress in WA-02. If elected, he will be the first member of the Green Party to serve in federal office. Learn more at, and donate today to help us make history.


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