Here are some of our tools and programs that are delivering big-time results:
Ambassadors: This program to cultivate and empower young leaders in the Central Valley and Inland Empire developed a campaign that built power for water equity and clean air.
Green California: The Ed Fund facilitates this network of 130 organizations that fights for environmental justice and public health.
Polling: We conducted the first polling of Latino concerns of the environment, and then did the same for Asian and Pacific Islander voters to amplify previously unheard voices to motivate policymakers.
30x30: Our regional organizing brought together community voices to directly influence California’s 30x30 Pathways strategy document, which was used for the UN’s meeting on biodiversity for COP 15 last December.
Education: We bring climate policy education to the public, especially impacted communities, like our redistricting work in 2021 creating districts where historically disenfranchised communities of color are now able to elect candidates of their choice.
We are humbled to be viewed as an essential thought partner and leader throughout the state, especially in battleground regions.
Please make a tax-deductible gift today to help us continue our work to create a greener California and a greener planet.
Thank you so much for your support. It means the world to us.