From Eagle Forum INSIGHTS <[email protected]>
Subject Why Would We Ever Listen to These People Again?
Date July 12, 2023 10:00 PM
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** Editor's Note:

One by one, many of the agencies and government departments whom we once trusted have faded away into irrelevance. The latest demonstration of lunacy for all the world to see is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's recent guidance on chestfeeding for nonbinary people. This is the CDC. The CDC used to be the gold standard for medical knowledge and practice, but the degraded culture in which we live has tainted its once unquestioned logic and expertise. As Jarrett Stepman ([link removed]) describes, it is a symptom of a much deeper problem throughout the entire administrative state. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
CDC’s Perverted Guidance on ‘Chestfeeding’ Shows Ideological Corruption of Administrative State
July 12, 2023

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention actually has issued official guidance for “nonbinary” people on how to “chestfeed” infants.

This latest woke lunacy isn’t just a disturbing policy. In a larger sense, it demonstrates how powerful governmental institutions have been co-opted on behalf of a larger, elite-driven cultural revolution.
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