5,000 messages to PROVE our love of CBAMs
“In a rare example of a bipartisan climate policy, momentum is growing on Capitol Hill for a plan to tax imports from China and other countries with looser environmental standards,” the Washington Post reported recently. The piece is describing the PROVE IT Act, a bill that lays important groundwork for the U.S. to eventually have a carbon border adjustment mechanism, or CBAM. The PROVE IT Act currently has support from four Democratic senators, four Republican senators, and one Independent senator. Let’s build on that momentum! With persistent, respectful citizen lobbying — our claim to fame — we can encourage more senators to cosponsor the legislation, and we can build support for a House version of the bill to be introduced. All of that means it’s more likely to be passed, bringing us closer to major climate policy that drives down carbon emissions around the globe. We’ve set a goal of 5,000 messages to Congress about the PROVE IT Act. The action launched yesterday, and so far CCLers have sent 3,809 messages. If you haven’t sent yours yet, hop to it! Our online action tool makes it easy to look up your representative and senators and send them a customizable message.
In other news this week:
• Ping pong and potlucks: This blog post shares the stories of three creative ways CCL volunteers have connected with their members of Congress in their local communities. • Climate Camp retreat offered this fall: This October 13-15, Citizens’ Climate Lobby is sponsoring "Climate Camp" at Camp Cedar Ridge in Vernonia, Oregon. This retreat might be a fit for you if you work or volunteer in the climate space and could use a little more joy or resilience in your life and your climate work. Space is limited, and early bird pricing ends July 31. Learn more and register here. |