Taking back the House next year won’t be easy, and doing so will require that we pull out all the stops to accomplish two things:
1) Flip enough GOP-held seats to retake the majority.
2) Defend every single seat Democrats currently hold — including this one.
It’s pretty simple math: Every seat we lose increases the number of seats we need to flip to retake the majority.
Kevin McCarthy and the rest of the GOP would love nothing more than to defeat the only Democrat from Kentucky in the House, and I need your help to defend this seat. Can I count on you to have my back and chip in $25 right now?
I know what you’re thinking: The election is far enough away that I don’t need to worry about it right now.
But here’s the honest truth, team: That’s the kind of thinking that could cost us this seat, and any chance at flipping the House next year.
Make no mistake about it, our far-right opponents up and down the ballot are well-funded and backed by dark money and corporate billionaires. Stockpiling resources now is our best chance to win.
I know it can feel overwhelming, but this campaign is already well underway. Will you stand with me by pitching in $25 to help re-elect the only Democratic voice Kentuckians have in the House?
Thank you, team.
Morgan McGarvey
