
In December, the House of Representatives voted to impeach President Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. As our Senators prepare to vote on whether or not to convict and remove President Trump from office for his high crimes, we are taking to the streets and making our voices heard.

Join By The People and pledge to attend (or host) a Remove Trump mobilization TOMORROW, January 31st at 5:30 PM local time before the final Senate vote.

Can’t find an event near you? Sign the Mass Mobilization Pledge, and you’ll be notified when a rally is announced in your community.

With every passing day, Donald Trump does more to demonstrate he deserves removal. Congressional resistance to upholding the Constitution has given Trump a pass to recklessly threaten war with Iran, defy subpoena requests, and continue to act as if he is above the law. Removing Trump from office is necessary to protect our democracy, confront abuse of power and the public trust, and set a precedent for how we, the people, and our elected representatives will deal with future strongmen.

A movement is how we impeached Trump, and a movement is the only way we can remove him. Once again, the mainstream conversation says it is impossible to remove Trump -- but we know that if we harness the collective power of the American people through sustained mobilization, we have the potential to change history.

Join us on the streets tomorrow and sign the Mass Mobilization Pledge! Together, we will stand up at this critical moment in history to defend our Constitution and our democracy.

In solidarity,

Free Speech For People

Paid for and authorized by Free Speech For People
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