Secure The Border.

Build The Wall.

Stop The Invasion.

Recently, I was proud to join Governor Ron DeSantis in Eagle Pass, where last month, Texas DPS agents recovered ten unaccompanied children from Honduras who were abandoned by a smuggler at the edge of the Rio Grande River.
This is a place where temperatures are in excess of 115 degrees.
Biden and Mayorkas have failed. This administration should be ashamed of what’s become of our border on their watch.

In May, the House passed HR 2, one of the strongest border security bills in modern history.

HR 2 includes key components of the Texas Border Plan, which I authored with my colleagues in the Texas Delegation to lead the border security conversation in Congress.

This framework includes building physical infrastructure, fixing immigration loopholes, targeting criminal organizations, and policies to secure our border and protect our sovereignty.

No more excuses. It’s time to act. We know what we must do.

How many more Fentanyl deaths will we tolerate?

How many more children will we let be sold into trafficking?

How many more people will the cartels harass and murder before we do something?
Americans and the migrants that seek to come here are dying.  Fentanyl is killing our kids. Migrants are being sold into human trafficking. Cartels are empowered, and our agents are overrun.
Border communities are facing a historic crisis - ADD YOUR NAME to show your support for HR 2 and the Texas Border Plan >>

For Liberty,

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21

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