"Giffords gun reform group backs eight 'strong women' in House reelection bids"
- The Hill, January 29, 2020

From schools to nightclubs to places of worship -- no place is safe from the threat of gun violence. Make no mistake: gun violence is a public health crisis and we need leaders who will take action to combat it.

In Congress, Kim has put combating gun violence at the top of her priorities. Kim's not afraid to stand up to the gun lobby and she won't stop fighting until every citizen feels safe. And yesterday, Giffords PAC, the gun safety organization founded by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, announced that Kim is one of the first candidates they're endorsing in 2020!

Chip in before our end-of-month deadline to help Kim keep fighting to protect our families from gun violence.

As a pediatrician and a mother, Kim is dedicated to keeping our families safe. Over the last year, she helped pass a bill in the house to close loopholes and ensure comprehensive background checks for gun purchases. And Kim introduced the Prevent Family Fire Act, which would give a tax credit to retailers who sell devices that allow firearms to be stored safely, helping reduce the number of family fire deaths.

But there is still much more to be done. Thoughts and prayers will never be enough. We need to tackle the issue of gun violence head-on, and that's what Kim plans to keep doing in Congress. But if we want to keep her there, fighting to protect our families, then we need you to step up and show her you have her back.

Will you chip in $5 or more before Friday at midnight to help us get the resources necessary to keep Kim fighting for us in Congress?


Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

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