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Two girls from Sheffield who risked being subjected to female genital mutilation have been protected following a court order against the "barbaric and
horrendous" practice.
West Midlands Police launched an investigation into a councillor's social media posts which said Islam was "domination not integration" and asked whether
people in Iran were "all on the dole". The force then said the posts did not "meet the threshold for criminal prosecution".
The Department for Education and teaching unions are meeting today to discuss supporting teachers' wellbeing over a feared parental backlash against new
relationships and sex education lessons.
Child protection experts have called for a national review of home schooling following an inquiry into a case in which a violent stepfather and his partner
subjected their young son to extreme neglect and abuse.
A total of 641 of the 643 MPs who sit in the Commons have personally signed up to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of
The Indian police are investigating a primary school for sedition over a student play which voiced opposition to the prime minister and his discriminatory
new citizenship law.
Recounting the hellish conditions of eight years spent on death row on blasphemy charges but also the pain of exile, Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi has broken
her silence to give her first personal insight into an ordeal that caused international outrage.
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