Hi there ––
When I think of my time with Special Olympics, I think of one word: inclusion.
As a Special Olympics athlete, I gotta tell you, inclusion is a game-changer. It's not just about being there; it's about being part of something, being respected, and being myself. Inclusion means embracing our differences, no matter what.
Almost 55 years ago, Special Olympics kicked off a worldwide movement with one mission: to smash barriers and put an end to discrimination against folks with intellectual disabilities (ID). Since then, this peaceful revolution has been changing lives all around the world.
And we want you, to say you #ChooseToInclude and be part of a powerful new generation that celebrates all differences, all abilities! Sign the Inclusion Pledge now—then share with your friends, family, everyone!

To us, inclusion is more than just a fancy word; it's what we're all about. We challenge expectations every day. We create community, build confidence, and help each other realize our full potential.
Will you join us?
Lucy Balthazaar
Special Olympics Oregon Athlete