Hey there, it’s Angela.
I’m just sitting here enjoying my morning cup of coffee thinking about how nice it would be if you and I were able to meet up for a cup of coffee soon so I could get to know you better.
What’s the biggest concern facing your community right now? How can I best serve your interests as Maryland’s next U.S. Senator? And which binge-worthy TV show do you recommend my daughter and I watch next?
These are just some of the important, hard-hitting questions I’d ask you over a cup of coffee. Unfortunately, I’m not sure I’ll be able to meet with each one of you individually.
So instead, I asked my team to come up with the next-best solution.
Please, will you take just one minute of your day to fill out our campaign’s updated Issues Survey and let me know what’s on your mind? If I’m going to represent you in the U.S. Senate, then it’s time you and I get to know each other a little bit better.
Thanks for your input,
P.S. — I wasn’t kidding about the TV shows. There’s a place at the bottom of the survey to drop your recommendations. So come on, click here and let’s hear them! →