Dear John,
After several months of reports and revelations found repeated ethics violations, DC Ward 2 Councilmember Jack Evans resigned to avoid being expelled by his DC Councilmembers. Now this week, he announced that he is re-running for the seat he just vacated.1
Evans' story isn't over. But in the meantime, there are several candidates running for his seat. The CCAN Action Fund is co-hosting a Ward 2 candidate forum on environmental issues with the Sierra Club DC Chapter at the Edlavitch DC Jewish Community Center next Thursday, February 6, and we invite you to join us.

It's never been more important for us to make sure there is accountability in the DC Council. We just passed a historic climate policy, the Clean Energy DC Act, and it is critical that this policy is implemented in a manner that is equitable and just. Yet Evans has come under fire for his actions on climate and energy policies in the past.2 We'll be examining all the candidates closely.
At the forum, we’ll ask the candidates their positions on zeroing out DC’s greenhouse gas emissions, diverting waste from landfills and incinerators, expanding sustainable transit, and making sure our rivers and our drinking water are safe and clean. Please RSVP to join us today.
What: Ward 2 DC Council candidate environmental forum
When: Thursday, February 6 at 6:30pm
Where: Edlavitch DC Jewish Community Center, 1529 16th Street NW (Entrance on Q Street)
RSVP: This event is free and open to the public, but we ask that you register in advance with the Sierra Club
This event is an amazing opportunity for Ward 2 voters to learn about the candidates’ positions on the pressing environmental issues facing DC. Other co-sponsors include the DC Environmental Network, Citizens’ Climate Lobby - DC Chapter, Casey Trees and Audubon Naturalist Society.
As I wrote in the Washington Post last year, we need to repair the DC Council and restore a sense of integrity. This starts with the Councilmember representing Ward 2.3
I hope you can join us at the Ward 2 candidate forum on environmental issues!
Denise Robbins
Communications Director
CCAN Action Fund
1) "Jack Evans to run for D.C. Council after resigning seat amid ethics scandal," Washington Post, 1/27/20
2) "Sierra Club Calls For Expulsion Of Jack Evans From D.C. Council," WAMU, 12/2/19
3) "Corruption is drowning the District. Rebuild integrity with climate leadership," Washington Post, 7/23/19