Hey John -

Our first ad was viewed more than 5 million times and this next version is already at 400,000 views and climbing.

Watch it here, and then share it on Facebook and Twitter, and then please donate here so we can push it into the feeds of activists in our target states in order to urge them to contact these key senators.

It's costing roughly 1 penny per view to show our ads, so your $5 donation gets us 500 more views and $100 gets us 10,000 views and so on.



Scott Dworkin
Co-Founder, The Democratic Coalition

P.S. More than 5,500 of you have already taken action to contact your Senators. Take action here





The Democratic Coalition
PO Box 36-20197
New York NY 10129 United States
Paid for by the Democratic Coalition and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee