URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Push the EPA to prioritize pollinator health above Big Ag’s corporate greed!

The EPA plans to approve bee-killing pesticides called neonics for another 15 years -- at a time when wild bee populations are PLUMMETING. 

Neonics have already made U.S. agriculture nearly 48 TIMES more toxic to bees in the past two decades. That impacts species like the Western Bumblebee, which has declined by 93%.

Now, scientists have identified 40% of insect pollinators, including many species of bees, that are on the BRINK OF EXTINCTION. And bee-killing neonics are pushing these vulnerable species closer to demise. If we let the EPA bend to pressure from the pesticide corporations perpetuating the widespread use of neonics for profit, we could soon lose these precious pollinators forever. Help STOP these toxic pesticides from wiping out wild bees and protect our planet: Donate now >>

The EPA already knows that the negative effects of neonics are far-reaching. They have even cited “ecological risks of concern, particularly to pollinators” and acknowledge “the importance of pollinators for healthy ecosystems and a sustainable food supply.”

We rely on bees and other pollinators for 1 in 3 bites of food that we eat, and these little helpers are responsible for 75% of our most nutritious food crops like fruits, veggies, and nuts. In fact, without bees, almonds wouldn’t even EXIST!

The EU has prohibited the worst neonics, and states like Connecticut and New Jersey have restricted them, too. Now, it’s time for the EPA to step up and END the widespread national use of these bee-killing pesticides immediately. Push the EPA to take action to BAN neonics -- before our ecosystems face the DISASTROUS CONSEQUENCES. Donate now to stop corporate greed from destroying the planet >>

Thanks for protecting pollinators and the planet!
Friends of the Earth
