Our state is now outpacing northeastern states in economic output…


In a testament to the FAILED economic policies being pushed by Joe Biden and Senate Democrats – North Carolina has surpassed northeastern states in economic output.

In the Tar Heel State, conservative leaders like me work to promote economic innovation while giving business owners the freedom and opportunity to succeed.

We also take a hands-off approach to managing the economy so the people are not burdened by overregulation and high taxes, like they are in liberal states.

But since North Carolina is now a conservative stronghold and a rising economic powerhouse, Joe Biden and the Democrats are all in on flipping our state blue.

I need your help, Friend. With your support, we can keep North Carolina on the right track and ensure that it remains a safe haven for American business owners who are looking to escape the Democrats’ extreme policies.

Please consider a donation to my campaign and support the conservative fight to keep North Carolina the BEST state in America to run a business in.







Thank you,

Thom Tillis
U.S. Senator - North Carolina

Paid for by the Thom Tillis Committee

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