William F. Shughart II (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

The Biden administration sees climate change as an existential threat, but, actually, a lack of new coal plants is—especially if we are all to drive electric cars in future. READ MORE »
Edited by Andrew N. Kleit
K. Lloyd Billingsley (American Spectator)

Fauci.... Congress should never again allow a single person to control public health policy and medical research. For starters, limit such an office to a single four-year term. And his wife (who complains about “individual rights” limiting medical research) shouldn’t also be the head of bioethics at NIH. White coat supremacy has no place in our democracy. READ MORE »
The Independent Review, Spring 2021
Samuel R. Staley (The Beacon)

Major studios rarely take risks. But, if you hope, with film, to drive social change, you need to. And Angel Studio has—with stunning results in the service of liberty and human dignity. READ MORE »
Edited by Robert M. Whaples
Gary M. Galles (Mises.org)

The FTC opposes the proposed merger between Microsoft and Activision. Yet stopping the merger would not increase competition but protect current firms from it. And consumers are always the losers when that happens. READ MORE »
By Stan J. Liebowitz, Stephen E. Margolis
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David J. Theroux Chair in Political Economy. Independent welcomes nominations and applications for the David J. Theroux Chair in Political Economy, named in honor of the late founder of Independent. The holder of the chair ensures that all research activities have intrinsic intellectual merit in the service of Independent’s mission. READ MORE »