🔥Raise the Wage:



We’re patiently waiting for results from KC Elections from the first batch of signatures we submitted for the November General Election. BUT we’re not done yet - IF we don’t have enough signatures for the November ballot, we need to make sure the 6 months of hard work and organizing do NOT go to waste!


So, we’re going to keep collecting through the END of JULY to gather more signatures in case we need to make up the difference for a FEBRUARY ballot submission. If we’re not diligent and don’t cover all of our bases, we could be in a situation where we gathered over 12,000 signatures and having nothing to show for it. We’ve come way too far to come up short.


On top of that, we’ve got a CRITICAL primary coming up on August 1st for Michael Westgaard for Renton City Council!


It is absolutely crucial that we continue to canvass for Raise the Wage and Michael this month, and deliver for working class folks in Renton!


Wednesday table - Target  (5 PM - 8 PM)


Thursday canvass (5 PM - 8 PM)


Saturday tabling - Target (10 AM- 1 PM)


🥇 How can I help? 🥇


  • Can’t make it down to Renton but have funds to spare? We have an incredible team of paid signature collectors, and donating $250 is about the equivalent of a paid signature gatherer collecting 100 signatures: https://secure.anedot.com/raisethewagerenton/donate

Calling all Tech Workers! 

Pay Transparency Survey Tabling

This Saturday, 11-1pm

South Lake Union Saturday Market



Over the past year tech companies have reported stratospheric profits while implementing mass layoffs. Workers are facing job insecurity while tech bosses seek to drive down worker expectations and pay. Being in the dark about each other’s wages only helps to enable this pressure. Share your pay information to expose disparities that ultimately drag all of our wages down. We’re different from salary reporting sites because we’re not here to help individuals negotiate, we’re here to build collective power. 


Link to survey: https://noy5vcqcn2t.typeform.com/to/PpC0aYNm


How to Fight the Right?

Pre-Convention Discussion #2

This Saturday, 1pm - 2:30pm


The Right has been emboldened by right wing rulings by the Supreme Court overturning Roe and attacking LGBTQ rights.  Moreover, the Right has introduced 500 anti-trans bills across the country, passed 6 week abortion bans, and have trained their sights on whole host of other issues from attacking worker rights to banning books.  Unfortunately, we cannot rely on the feckless Democratic Party to mount a serious defense of our rights, especially because they have joined the assault on workers by siding with railroad barons to prevent railroad workers from striking.  How can we Fight the Right? What can DSA do to counter the escalating attacks?  Next month is our National Convention - the highest decision making body in the org. Join the discussion to help determine the best way forward for DSA, the socialist movement and the Left by discussing the various resolutions being advanced by our local members and others from across the the country


The topic of this second meeting is Building the Left to Fight the Right. We encourage comrades to read the following resolutions beforehand (link to the resolution compendium):


  • Towards a Party-Like Electoral Strategy
  • Fighting the Right by Defending Abortion Rights, Trans People, and Democracy
  • Defend Democracy through Political Independence
  • Growth and Development Committee: GDC 2023 Convention Resolution
  • Uniting Against the Ultra-Right
  • Winning the Battle for Democracy
  • National Electoral Committee: 2023 Consensus Resolution
  • On the Defense of Immigrants and Refugees
  • Housing Justice Commission: Building Tenant Power and Organization
  • Green New Deal Campaign Commission: 2023 Green New Deal Campaign Commission Priority Resolution
  • Multiracial Organizing Committee: Recommitment to Multiracial Organizing