Friend – led by Alan Dershowitz, the White House defense team’s case is venturing into the land of legal absurdity. With their arguments changing every day, I wanted to share what’s been going on:

  • First, they complained about the lack of evidence – specifically, a lack of direct evidence about what the president said or ordered. Let me just say, that’s exactly why we need the documents and witnesses that the White House is stonewalling from the public – especially from John Bolton.
  • Now, Alan Dershowitz is saying that even if Bolton is telling the truth – that he tried to talk the president out of “whatever drug deal,” in Bolton’s words, was being carried out in Ukraine – Donald Trump’s actions still aren’t impeachable. Because apparently President Trump can do anything with absolute immunity!
  • Let me be clear: The President actually did commit a crime – it’s called bribery. Donald Trump solicited something of personal value to him (an investigation by a foreign leader to smear a political opponent) in return for an official act (releasing $400 million in taxpayer money, which was desperately needed by Ukraine). The Dershowitz defense in no way gives my Republican colleagues a free pass to acquit the President.

With every new development, it only becomes more critical to ensure this is a full, fair, and open trial. President Harry Truman once said: “The people have often made mistakes, but given time and the facts, they will make corrections.” The American people have spoken: They want the facts and the chance to make the corrections. It’s time for Republican Senators to get out of the way.

As always, I will continue to fight on behalf of the American people for truth and justice, and I’ll be in touch with more updates as they come up.

Thank you,


Selling out our country for personal gain is exactly what the framers feared – it’s the very reason for impeachment. I’m fighting tirelessly in the Senate to hold President Trump accountable for his illegal and rampant abuse of power, but right now, I need to know if you’re with me. Please, will you take my brief Impeachment Survey and let me know where you stand at this critical moment in our nation’s history?

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