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Apocalyptic Anticipation – Markell

By Virginia Christian Alliance on Jul 11, 2023 07:07 am

Christ in ProphecyI am revisiting an article I wrote in 2018 which is even more pertinent today. I asked back then, haven’t we waited long enough for Christ’s return? Five...

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Behind The Deep State | BlackRock Boss Larry Fink is a Deep State Bigwig | Part Three

By Alex Newman on Jul 11, 2023 06:50 am

Alex Newman Behind the Deep State(1)BlackRock boss Larry Fink is a leader in multiple key Deep State organizations including the Council on Foreign Relations, the World Economic Forum, and the...

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The Global Warming Scam: The Lie

By Jim Simpson on Jul 11, 2023 06:42 am

sunwe have been lied to so persistently, so overwhelmingly, so convincingly, that the lie has worked its way into almost every aspect of our lives. Yet the science—the actual observational data—does not support the climate change narrative.

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The mission of Virginia Christian Alliance is to promote moral, social. and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. Read more about us 

“America needs God more than God needs America.  If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”  - Ronald Reagan

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