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Zaporizhzhia and the danger of media blinders in war

By Branko Marcetic on Jul 10, 2023 03:14 am

Understandable sympathy for Ukraine shouldn’t supersede the need to be more circumspect about Kyiv's constant claims.
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Over clusters, Biden faces harshest resistance yet from his left flank

By Daniel Larison on Jul 10, 2023 03:01 am

And much of it is coming from his own party, which up until now has been pretty unified in the Ukraine war effort.
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Yellen visits China amid worst economic tension in decades

By Jake Werner on Jul 07, 2023 07:48 pm

Each side is blaming their own insecurity on the other and pursuing increasingly militarized efforts to fix it.
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Reps. Jacobs & Omar unleash plans to stop WH cluster munitions to Ukraine

By Blaise Malley on Jul 07, 2023 12:23 pm

"If the U.S. is going to be a leader on international human rights, we must not participate in human rights abuses."
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Good news: Former US officials reportedly open talks with Moscow

By Trita Parsi on Jul 06, 2023 12:50 pm

This is a huge step, signaling that long overdue Track II diplomacy could be on the horizon, which is long overdue.
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Weapons firms, donors tied to industry-friendly Atlantic Council report

By Brett Heinz on Jul 06, 2023 03:00 am

Surprise: a think tank commission pressing for more greased skids is stacked with people with ties to SAIC, Raytheon, and more.
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