When Gavin Newsom’s key supporters start clutching their pearls about his Impossible Scheme to add an anti-gun amendment to the Constitution, you know things are bad! And crazy as it sounds, his supporters have every reason to be afraid of this hare-brained stunt: a Constitutional Convention would be like cracking open Pandora’s Box with a big, fat hammer. Some on the Left are even calling it an untested and dangerous plan. Why? Because there’s no guarantee that a Constitutional Convention (which is needed for adding an amendment) would be limited to the gun issue. It is a disaster just waiting to happen. Newsom knows there’s no traction on this stupid maneuver – he’s just trying to raise campaign dollars. Read all about it!
The good news is that the Legislature will be leaving Sacramento at the end of the week for their summer vacation, so we will be safe from their anti-gun juggernaut for a month. The bad news is that a number of bills are scheduled to be heard this week – and GOC will be there to personally testify in opposition. To check out the key bills GOC is opposing, click HERE. By clicking on each bill, you can see GOC’s summary statement and all legislative activity. CA Dems Even Worry About Newsom's 2A Amendment Plan | SF Chronicle GOC’s beating the drum on Newsom’s Incredible Scheme! Gov. Newsom's 28th Amendment 'Political Stunt' | California Globe And the Globe’s Katy Grimes takes aim at Newsom’s latest act. CA Bill: Forces Credit Card Co’s To Adopt “Gun” Codes | Bearing Arms CA is teaming with big banks to attack small businesses…lawsuits coming. CA Senate To Hear Anti-Gun Bills Before Recess | AmmoLand Anti-gun bills to watch. San Diego's "Red Flag" Push Fails to Bring Down Crime | Townhall Podcasts Great podcast by Cam Edwards about the failed Red Flag laws in SD. French Gun Control Failed, Leaving Law-Abiding Citizens Helpless| Zero Hedge And their nation is literally burning to the ground. Dems Eye Suburban Women To Garner Rep Support For Gun Reform | American Wire Let’s just hope they see beyond this ruse. John Hopkins Reports Flawed Child Death Gun Data | Kostas Moros So much to dissect in these "fast facts": Kostas has the receipts to prove wrong info. Americans Reluctant to Tell Researchers They Own Guns | The Reload Not surprised given gun owners are treated as 2nd class citizens. Gun Control Doesn’t Deliver Freedom Nor Safety | Townhall The title says it all. Gun Control Group Complains They Can't Get Congress to Restrict the 2A| Townhall These people; a few fries short of a Happy Meal. FBI & BOA Broke The Law Spying on Gun Owners | GOA YouTube Corrupt gov’t and corporations breaking the law? Tell us something we don't know.... TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW FOR THE GOC VACAVILLE FUNDRAISING DINNER! Vacaville, Saturday, October 28, 2023 Click here: GOC |