Mondays of Meaning

July 10th 2023 | Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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This week, I advise on why you should talk to people who share different views than you do. Then, I sit down with Eric Edmeades to discuss a plethora of topics, including homelessness, alcoholism, physiological responses, and trust. From the archives, I pull a segment in which I illustrate a few points Karl Marx clearly got wrong. 


It Is Useful To Talk To People You Do Not Agree With

It is useful to talk to people you do not agree with for a variety of reasons. One is that a lot of what determines your political orientation is biological temperament, far more than what people realize. 

For example, left-leaning people — liberals — are high in a trait called “openness,” which is one of the big-five personality traits, and it is associated with interest in abstraction and interest in aesthetics. It is the best predictor of liberal political leaning. They are low in trait conscientiousness, which is dutifulness and orderliness in particular. The conservatives are the opposite. They are high in conscientiousness, they are dutiful and orderly, and they are low in openness. That makes them really good managers and administrators and often businessmen but not very good entrepreneurs — because entrepreneurs are almost all drawn from the liberal types. These are really fundamentally, biologically predicated differences. You might think about them as different sets of opportunities and limitations and certainly different ways of screening the world. Each of those different temperamental types needs the other type. 

One thing to remember is, people actually do see the world differently. It is not merely that they are possessed of ill-informed opinions. So you have to, first of all, stretch out your hand and say, “I get that you see the world differently than me, and I also understand that there is a place for you and a place for me, even though that is not the same place.” 

Jordan Peterson takes a deep dive into the book of Exodus where he is joined by a roundtable of philosophers, theologists, educators, and modern-day thinkers, to educate and enlighten believers and nonbelievers alike on universal topics like faith, freedom, ethics, morality, politics, and more. Watch all episodes available now. Don't miss out on these enriching opportunities. Watch now by becoming a DailyWire+ member today. 

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A Recent Article

When Your Father Is The Mafia

You said you loved your father, and that he was a good father to you. Correct me at any point if I have this wrong, but obviously your father was engaged in widespread criminal activity. Why was that not an issue when you were young? Why do you think that his guilt on that front was more or less invisible to you? And how do you view his participation in these activities and his hand in establishing his destiny, even if he was framed on those charges? How do you view that now?

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This Week On The Podcast

Secrets to Business No University Can Teach You | Eric Edmeades | EP 374

Eric Edmeades and I talk about his early experiences with homelessness, the detriment of alcoholism, the changes you can make to restructure your physiological responses, the relationship between trust and sales, and the world of possibility that opens when you embrace the unknown, the potentially dangerous, and, above all, that which calls to you.

From The Archives

What Marx Got Wrong

In this lecture, I explain points Karl Marx got wrong when he evaluated capitalism. One is that even though creative products end up in the hands of a small number of people, it is not the same number of people; it is the same proportion. Those are two different elements.

Thank you for reading, 

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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