Hello Fellow American,
You can always count on the federal government to make a power grab after a tragedy. Biden is, once again, pushing to “BAN the manufacture and sale” of AR rifles and high-capacity magazines.
When the Federal government wants to disarm law-abiding American patriots, we can’t afford to remain silent.
This is a direct assault on YOUR Constitutional rights. But don’t worry…
Young Americans for Liberty is on the front lines in the fight for Constitutional rights!
I am Sean Themea, the Chief Operating Officer at Young Americans for Liberty (YAL). YAL is the nation’s largest, most active, and most effective youth liberty organization on campus and in American electoral politics.
You can support Young Americans for Liberty’s fight for liberty and our Constitutional rights on college campuses and beyond. Click here to donate $100, $50, or even just $10 today >>>
I’m not sure if anti-gun lawmakers know this or if they just don’t care (it’s infinitely worse if they don’t care), but gun bans leave people vulnerable when tragedy happens.
That hasn’t stopped Biden from pushing to disarm Americans — over the past 30 years, he has made multiple attempts to ban guns.
America needs pro-gun laws because gun bans don’t work right now. Anyone telling you otherwise is lying to you.
But YAL is making a difference!
While gun-grabbers try to take away your guns, our student activists and liberty legislators are ensuring our schools aren't soft targets!
So far, YAL activists and legislators have passed Constitutional Carry in Indiana, Texas, and Alabama. Young Americans for Liberty has also elected more than 250 hardcore, pro-2A legislators across the country.
I truly believe YAL’s student activists can make a proactive difference in the fight for gun rights. That’s why I set a goal to raise $50,000 before the end of the month to fund our efforts. And with your support, we can give them the resources they need to stand up for the Second Amendment. Young Americans for Liberty is winning in the fight for YOUR rights. Please send a gift of $10, $25, $50, or any amount to support a student activist today >>>
I don’t believe the Founding Fathers were unclear when they said, "The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Even a "well-regulated" in the Second Amendment never meant regulated by the government. But if we aren’t careful, the federal government will finally rob us of our rights. And once they are gone, they are much more difficult to get back.
Please help us meet our $50,000 goal before the end of the month. Just chip in any amount by clicking below. Donate $10 Donate $35 Donate $50 Donate $100 Donate $250 Donate $500 Donate $1,000 Donate $2,500 Donate Any Amount Thank you for your support. I look forward to having you with us.
For Liberty,
 Sean Themea Chief Operating Officer Young Americans for Liberty
Young Americans for Liberty, Inc. is a nonprofit organization formed under 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions or gifts to Young Americans for Liberty, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. No goods or services are given in exchange for any contribution. |