For our 135th anniversary, we’ve just released a number of exciting stories about some of our most recent explorations: a dispatch from our two-year expedition across the Amazon, new findings about our human ancestors in caves in Africa, a groundbreaking project to rewild endangered sharks in Indonesia, and much more. This work is, for us, both exciting and important. And we couldn’t do it without the support of people like you. Join us as a Premium subscriber today and help us continue to tell stories like these about our wild, weird, and wonderful world.
Nathan Lump Editor in Chief National Geographic Media
Desperate to stop the torrential rains, the Chimú people of Peru offered up their most precious resource to the gods: their future. Researchers have only found out the scope of the sacrifice in recent years.
A team spanning 15 countries is raising endangered sharks from aquariums and reintroducing them to the wild, starting in Indonesia. It's never been done at this scale, but experts think the plan might work.
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