If you haven’t heard of them, you should know about them
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John -

Have you heard of the group "Mom's For Liberty"?

If not, you should know about them.

When you read about "parents' groups" fighting against "critical race theory" and "wokeness" in schools; When you read about the book bans and banning curriculums that acknowledge the reality of LGBTQ families; When you read about the far-right effort to take over school boards...

The group that leads it all is Mom's for Liberty, and they are very influential in the Republican Party. So influential that Trump, DeSantis, and other presidential candidates spoke at their summit recently.

As their influence grows, know this: the Southern Poverty Law Center designated Mom's for Liberty as an extremist organization.

Just watch this clip from their recent summit where the co-founder and the crowd cheer Hitler. Yes. Hitler. This is no exaggeration. See it for yourself:

Tweet from Gavin Newsom: 'Moms for Liberty' is at it again. Here we see their co-founder cheering on a member for quoting Hitler in a newsletter. 'I stand with that mom!' *audience cheers*

So the next time you read about the book bans and ending a “woke” public education system, know that this is the group leading the charge.

Thank you,

Team Newsom

⚠️ To my fellow Democrats - PLEASE don't scroll past this important message. ⚠️

Before you go, Gavin Newsom is humbly asking you to support the Idaho Democratic Party where they are doing work to push back against book bans and a far-right Republican Governor who criminalized out-of-state abortion assistance with no exception for rape or incest.

Even a small contribution will go a long way for Idaho Democrats who don’t get the national assistance of other so-called “swing states.” So please, support them with a contribution of $20 or whatever feels right to you today.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:


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