Hi John,

You can help raise money for HOPE not hate as you shop online - are you in?

I'm in!

We’re now using Easyfundraising, a free fundraising platform that helps to support HOPE not hate when we all shop online. 

Easyfundraising works with over 7,000 online retailers, everyone from Tesco, eBay, Sports Direct, M&S, Boots, Just Eat, Booking.com, and everything in between. Every time you shop at one of these 7,000 online retailers, they will make a donation to HOPE not hate!

This means that whatever you’re buying, whether it’s a pair of trainers or a takeaway, you can support the antifascist cause!

Sign me up!

With the cost of living impacting everyone, this isn’t about asking you to spend more, but to show you how your online shopping can help support our antifascist work at no additional cost to you.

PLUS - to help us get up and running, for a limited time only, we have been offered an additional incentive! 

For the next two weeks easyfundraising will give us £1 for every new supporter if we can get a minimum of 10 signed up WITH NO UPPER LIMIT. This means 10 supporters will equal £10, 20 will equal £20 and so on!

So please support us if you can by registering yourself today - it only takes 2 minutes and all you need is your email address, and then share the link with friends and family!

I'll do it!

Thanks for everything you do,


Fundraising and Development Officer at HOPE not hate