
Want to end corruption in Washington? Every small donation you make multiplies our power to…

...take on corrupt Members of Congress:

Calling out Senator Mitch McConnell (#MoscowMitch!) in Louisville, KY

Joining with the Tax the Rich bus tour

Going after Reps like Tom McClintock for not supporting the democracy bill, HR1

Exposing former Representative John Faso's (defeated!) big money fundraiser in New York

Getting in the press to call out former Representative Duncan Hunter's (resigned!) corruption

...fight back against corporate lobbyists:

At the AIC Wall Street lobbyist headquarters in Washington, DC

Taking action with March on Harrisburg to end lobbyist gifts 

...and take on Trump:

Calling out Trump directly outside Mar-a-Lago 

Holding Trump and GOP Members of Congress accountable

... which makes our megaphone louder:

Going after Trump and his billionaire donors we can be a force multiplier for reform!

Boosting activism to defeat corrupt Members of Congress like former Representative Erik Paulsen (defeated!)

We’re partnering with some of the boldest, most dedicated, and awesome activists around the country to multiply the power of our movement by taking real action! In local press, online, and in the streets, we're making sure voters get the message. And with the biggest election we've ever faced coming up, we're more committed than ever before.

Here’s the thing, we’re currently $13,166 short of our end-of-the-month goal. These are the funds that go to travel, printing signs, online ads, and staff time for organizing and outreach to media. Want to stick it to the biggest corruptors? Make a donation to HAZMAT America and we’ll give the toxic billionaires and their political puppets a massive headache they can’t ignore. 

Thank you for all you do!

-Chris at HAZMAT America


Your support keeps us 100% grassroots funded and focused on fighting the toxic forces corrupting our democracy. If you think you have received this email in error, please reply to let us know.

HAZMAT America

1701 K Street NW, Suite 750

Washington, DC 20006

United States


Paid for by HAZMAT America LLC • Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee •
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