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Aladdin: BlackRock’s Shady AI System That Even Its COMPETITORS Use | Part Two

By Virginia Christian Alliance on Jul 10, 2023 07:29 am

Alex Newman Behind the Deep State(1)BlackRock has a shadowy Artificial Intelligence-powered system known as Aladdin that plays a key role in managing tens of trillions of dollars and shaping the...

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Jesus Came. What Next?

By Lamb and Lion Ministries on Jul 09, 2023 04:58 pm

If you are reading this because millions of people have suddenly and mysteriously disappeared, then you are looking for answers to what has happened, why it has happened, and what will be happening next.

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Last-days Hurricane

By Terry James on Jul 09, 2023 04:42 pm

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. (Luke 21:28)  

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“America needs God more than God needs America.  If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”  - Ronald Reagan

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