![]() Patriot, This past week, the House Appropriations Committee released a proposed budget that would explicitly prohibit taxpayer funds for “controversial organizations” including the World Health Organization (WHO). If Congress follows through, that would be a tremendous breakthrough. Before the Covid pandemic, most people assumed the WHO was just a benign group trying to fight illnesses and eliminate viruses. Now, of course, we knowthe World Health Organization is not only a blundering gang of globalists, but one that aspires to turn the Constitution on its head and create a global police force that can weaponize the next pandemic to totally control the behavior of Americans and people across the world. They want to pass an international treaty to impose this tyranny. But if Congress stops American taxpayer money from going to the WHO, it will devastate their plans. And Congress can! Remember the entire debacle at the beginning of this year, where Republicans blocked Kevin McCarthy from becoming Speaker until he agreed to a number of conditions from the conservatives? One of those conditions was not advancing a budget that wasn’t supported by most Republicans. Which means unless McCarthy breaks his promises and exposes himself as a fraud to his own caucus, House Republicans can hold the line on this issue and de-fund the WHO – IF they have the will. That’s why it’s critical you contact Congress right now and demand they de-fund the WHO! ![]() With stories already pouring out in the mass media that Congress is considering de-funding the WHO, the momentum is clearly building in our favor. We need to keep the momentum building! Forced vaccinations. Digital health passports. Online surveillance and suppression of whatever they deem “disinformation.” That’s what the WHO wants to bring to America and the world. In fact, the WHO’s recent declaration of a censorship war on “misinformation” due to what it called an “infodemic” is exactly why some Republicans now support de-funding the WHO. Congress can defund the WHO. It only takes one chamber of Congress to block its funding. But what we don’t know is whether lawmakers are actually serious about de-funding the WHO or just making noise to please their liberty-loving base. You and I need to get lawmakers on record, both in their statements and their votes to hold the line and REFUSE to
continue funding the WHO. Now that the WHO has unmasked itself as a menace to liberty in America, DEMAND your lawmakers DEFUND the WHO! ![]() Your petition, along with those of your fellow patriots, will make it clear we are done! If at all possible, please don’t stop there. Please consider your most generous contribution as well. With your generosity, Campaign for Liberty will: 1) Use mail and email to contact up to
12 million Americans from coast-to-coast to generate petitions just like these to Congress; 2) Launch an all-out email and phone mobilization campaign to explain why the WHO Treaty MUST be exposed; 3) Run targeted social media ads to turn up maximum pressure on key swing votes in Congress. This program won’t be cheap. But with your help, we can get the job done. So will you please sign your petition and if possible, make a contribution of $500, $250, or $125 TODAY? Time is short, and you and I need to mobilize Americans to fight this globalist agenda now. Even if you can't make such a generous contribution today, every bit you can chip in, whether $100, $50, $35, or even $25, will be a help to fund these operations. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul P.S. Thanks to the sacrifice of our Founders, America was born a free country. But the globalists are closing in. The pandemic is the pretext, and we must DEMAND our representatives protect what remains of our liberty. Don’t sit by in silence. ![]() Speak up and DEMAND your lawmakers DEFUND the globalist WHO Pandemic Treaty – and defend the Constitution our Founders fought and died for. Sign your petition now. After you’ve signed, please make a generous contribution to support our work. And feel free to pass the petition along to your liberty-loving friends and family. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government,
sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |