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WATCH VIDEO: U.S. ‘3-letter agencies’ involved in child-sex trafficking says Star of ‘Sound of Freedom’, the most powerful whistleblower movie released in decades

By Leo Hohmann on Jul 08, 2023 05:24 pm

I spent part of my Fourth of July holiday inside a movie theater, something I haven’t done in many years, and I did it not...

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They’re Coming for Your Children

By Shenandoah Christian Alliance on Jul 08, 2023 04:39 pm

Our children are a gift and a blessing from God. We not only have the joy of it, but the moral imperative to revere His gift; to protect our children from evil.

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Biden admin: Child-killing cluster bombs are only used by ‘war criminals,’ until they’re used by us

By Leo Hohmann on Jul 08, 2023 04:14 pm

The Biden regime has approved cluster bombs for Ukraine, under the justification that “but Russia used them first.” Watch below as former White House press secretary Jen Psaki...

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Celebrating the 4th of July with Acts of Devotion to God
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“America needs God more than God needs America.  If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”  - Ronald Reagan

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