Folks -- the grassroots response to our campaign since Gardner announced he was voting against witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial has been incredible. 

We must keep this momentum going if we're going to elect an independent voice in Washington who will stand up to Trump and McConnell. Please read my message from yesterday below, then consider making a donation of any amount before our January fundraising deadline tomorrow.

Unbelievable -- 

My opponent, Cory Gardner, just announced he’s officially voting against allowing firsthand witness testimony in Donald Trump’s impeachment trial.

Cory Gardner should be doing everything in his power to ensure the American people learn the truth and that the rule of law is upheld.

But instead, Gardner is trying to protect Trump, no matter the costs. No one truly independent could possibly think the American people don’t deserve to hear from firsthand witnesses.

I’m outraged. A trial without witnesses and evidence is not a trial at all. It's a sham.

The people of Colorado -- and the entire country -- deserve better. That’s why we have to do everything we can to flip the Senate this year, so I’m turning to you:

Will you rush a donation of $10 or more to my grassroots campaign to defeat Cory Gardner and take back the Senate? Every contribution will make a difference in this close election:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Coloradans deserve an independent leader who they can trust to do right by them. That’s not what we’re getting now.

It’s time we take back our government and put power back in the hands of the people. Thanks for taking action.

— John