From Team No Labels <[email protected]>
Subject Voter Suppression
Date July 8, 2023 5:29 PM
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Friend, no one mucks around with the right of Americans to choose their leaders and gets away with it. Not Democrats, not Republicans, not independents.

Hi Friend,

Experience is a great teacher, assuming you’re interested in learning. In slow-walking No Labels ([link removed] ) ’ application for a line on North Carolina’s 2024 presidential ballot, state election officials seem determined to learn nothing from their own experience.

After all, they did the same thing to the Green Party last year.

Given the similarity to events in Arizona and Maine, it’s enough to make you wonder if Democratic operatives around the country are swapping tactics on interfering with Americans’ right to decide who their leaders should be.

That would make sense since subverting No Labels ([link removed] ) was what 40 of them plotted at a secret meeting in Washington, DC, last month.

Here’s the story: Ten months ago, No Labels submitted more than enough petitions to get on North Carolina’s 2024 presidential ballot, with plenty of time for officials to review them.

Getting on states’ presidential ballots is part of our Insurance Policy 2024 ([link removed] )  to potentially offer our ballot line to a bipartisan Unity ticket if the two parties insist on saddling the country with presidential choices they don’t want.

In North Carolina, after almost a year of mysterious delays, the Democratic-controlled state elections board last week affirmed our signatures … but then they said they would indefinitely wait on certifying our ballot access while the Board Chair conducts an additional review process with no precedent and no objective standard.

We know a pattern when we see one. When the left-progressive North Carolina Green Party sought a spot on the state’s 2022 U.S. Senate ballot, state Democrats went to court, arguing that the Greens would “harm Democrats’ electoral prospects because [our] candidates will have to compete …”

The Greens had met all the requirements, but the board said it needed to investigate claims of signature fraud. And then it unanimously reversed itself.

In federal court, the Greens said 20 of its signatories reported being contacted by people claiming to be from the Green Party and pressuring them to tell election officials they never signed the petitions. Otherwise, the Green Party would split the Democratic vote, they were told.

In all, a sickening partisan spectacle. But please don’t single out North Carolina election officials. In Arizona, the state Democratic Party has sued to knock No Labels off the ballot there. One of its arguments is that No Labels would “harm Democrats’ electoral prospects because [our] candidates will have to compete …” 

Talk about shameless.

And in Maine, amid our registration effort, the Democratic secretary of state took the unprecedented step of sending a targeted mailing directed at all 6,456 citizens of Maine who had recently registered as No Labels Party members, questioning if they meant to join No Labels and casting aspersions on our organization.

These aren’t coincidental cases of overdoing the red tape. This is rank partisan obstructionism aimed at protecting entrenched power.

No Labels has been promoting bipartisan governance for 13 years—quietly, diligently, and effectively. We want our leaders to work together for the good of the vast, commonsense majority of Americans who want the government to address our country’s problems.

But no one mucks around with the right of Americans to choose their leaders and gets away with it. Not Democrats, not Republicans, not independents. Whatever they do just proves our case that politics, as usual, is finished.

Experience is a great teacher. That’s why we’re doubling down.


Team No Labels

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