Dear John,
I hope you and your family enjoyed a wonderful 4th of July! I spent mine at the Eagan and Apple Valley parades. It was great to see so many folks enjoying community – even if we did have to dodge the rain.
This week, I was traveling all over the district – and I can confirm that the corn was indeed knee high by the 4th of July in MN02!
Over the course of the week, I had some incredible interactions in the community. It really is the best part of the job representing each of you. I was able to share a special moment with the South St. Paul Police Department as I presented the department with a copy of the federal legislation inspired by the story of Sgt. Cory Slifko, who tragically died by suicide after a fierce battle with PTSD and mental illness from his work as a police officer.
The Public Safety Officer Support Act is a bill that allows line of duty disability and death benefits for officers and their families following an attempted or completed suicide. The framed copy of the legislation will be displayed at the local police department in Cory’s honor.
Here's some of what else I was up to this week:
Improving Traffic Safety in MN02
This morning, I was in West St. Paul to celebrate federal funding to realign the Smith Road and Dodd Avenue intersection to make it safer for the entire community.
As part of this project, it’s an honor to be able to establish a public space and memorial for Mendota Heights Officer Scott Patrick, who was shot in the line of duty in 2014 at this intersection. Thanks to WSP Mayor Dave Napier, Mendota Heights Mayor Stephanie Levine, Police Chief Brian Sturgeon and Michelle Patrick for attending.
It was so great to catch up with the city of Mendota Heights after the event as well.

Announcing Federal Investments for Scott County
I was able to join leaders from across Scott County to discuss new federal investments coming soon for local infrastructure, workforce development and public safety projects. Thank you to everyone who helped us secure this critical funding for our communities!
A special thanks to Scott County Sheriff Luke Hennen, Commissioner Barb Weckman Brekke, Prior Lake Mayor Kirt Briggs, Shakopee Mayor Matt Lehman and Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community Tribal Administrator Bill Rudnicki for attending.
Awarding the Congressional Award to MN02 Students
The Congressional Award is given each year to the young people who go above and beyond to serve their communities. Yesterday, I was able to present Jonathan, Ada and Sanya with the Congressional Award in honor of their tremendous service to MN02 communities. Congratulations, and we look forward to seeing what you accomplish next!
Behind the scenes with Rep. Craig:
I have a very exciting behind-the-scenes update for you all today! See below for a sneak peek at my office’s new challenge coin.
My team and I worked hard to design a coin that truly represented the Second District community – and I’m looking forward to handing these out – especially to our nation’s service members and law enforcement personnel!
Have a great weekend! I’m back in DC for votes next week!
Until next time,
Angie Craig
Member of Congress