Dear John,
2019 was a tough year for America’s children and those who advocate for them. But thanks to you, we rose to the challenge.
By supporting the work of the Children’s Defense Fund in 2019, you...
Advanced Child Welfare
By taking steps to implement Family First, a landmark law that will keep children safely with their families.
Stood Up for Children in Poverty
By bringing national attention to the scourge of child poverty—and sharing common-sense solutions to end it.
(Did you know we drove more than 80,000 signatures and 7 candidate responses on a petition to include a question about child poverty in the 2020 presidential debates?)
Kept Children Safe and Healthy
By fighting for children’s rights to safety from gun violence, quality health care, and humane treatment.
(We’re proud to have deployed more than 1,000 teens and parents to deliver our Protect Children, Not Guns report to lawmakers on Capitol Hill!)
Unlocked Children’s Potential through Learning
By helping more than 12,000 children discover their love of reading and tap into their self-esteem (while making sure they have healthy summer meals, too) at CDF Freedom Schools® across 28 states.
Equipped Advocates to Fight for Justice
By training college students, faith communities, and child defenders of all kinds to help change the odds for all children.
(This year’s Samuel DeWitt Proctor Institute for Child Advocacy Ministry brought together and trained more than 400 people inspired by their faith to advocate for children.)
Thank you for standing with us so that we can stand up for America’s children.
Gratefully, Children’s Defense Fund
Children's Defense Fund© All rights reserved
840 First St NE, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20002