Here are the ways you can support public schools.
We MUST keep public dollars in public schools! I hope you will join me in signing the petition to put LB 753 on the ballot for the voters to decide.
Here is what you can do TODAY:
1. Sign the petition, you can find locations here ([link removed]) .
2. Sign up to volunteer, you can sign up here ([link removed]) .
3. Donate to the campaign today! You can donate here ([link removed]) .
Collecting signatures is a ton of fun and easy! I was proud to do it it with public school teacher Kristin Christensen at the farmers market just a few weeks ago. People were excited to sign and you get to meet a lot of great neighbors!
Thank you for all of your support of high quality public education for our children and future!
Former Senator Adam Morfeld
Nebraska Legislature
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Paid for by Adam Morfeld for Lancaster County Attorney
3637 Holdrege Street, Lincoln, NE 68503
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