The Bearded Vulture release season has ended, but we have an exciting, unexpected development to share with you.
We successfully bred 35 Bearded Vulture chicks within our
captive breeding network this season. To ensure genetic diversity and long-term pair renewal within the network, we have decided to keep 14 chicks in captivity. This step is crucial to continue breeding the species in captivity, ultimately supporting their populations in the wild.
As for the remaining birds, they are now living in the wild, and many have already taken their first flights! In collaboration with our partners, we have released 21 young Bearded Vultures across multiple reintroduction sites:
4 in Sierras de Cazorla Segura y las Villas Natural Park
2 in Sierra de Castril Natural Park
3 in Tinença de Benifassà
4 in the Grands Causses
2 in Baronnies
2 in Vercors
2 in Berchtesgaden, Germany
2 in Melchsee-Frutt, Switzerland
But there's more! We have an exciting surprise release coming up. Keep an eye out for further updates to stay tuned.