Dear John
The UK government looks set to miss almost all of its legally binding climate targets. That’s the damning verdict of its own advisers, the Climate Change Committee (CCC).
In its new report the CCC also warns of a lack of urgency from the government. And decisions to greenlight new coal mines and oil fields are not in line with net zero.
We know this simply isn't good enough. So we're taking the government to court.
Our legal team think the government's latest climate strategy falls far short of its legal commitments. The High Court judged its previous strategy to be unlawful when we challenged it. With your support, we hope to win in court again. And push the government to do better.
It’s thanks to supporters like you we can keep holding the government to account. Legal expertise is expensive and taking on the government is no small feat. If you can, will you support us with a donation so our lawyers and campaigners can keep applying the pressure?